
Formal religion was never a strong suit for me: I attribute that to my communist-socialist upbringing, and also to the fact that there aren’t any valid, scientific proofs of anything that religion is talking about. However, I’ve always believed that human possibilities are limited, and that progress is happening in a limited sphere: there are things that weren’t given to humans to comprehend, so, we shouldn’t think, write, or contemplate about them, since it’s pointless. I believe that this is being religious, in some deeper, more intimate way.

Old news

When I was kid, I enjoyed reading old newspapers: in our house, there was always a bunch of those, so I’d take several piles of them, hide somewhere in the corner, and read. I remember that my biggest fascination from those days was when reading ads: how something can be new when the newspaper’s date is from last year?! I was 5 or 6 at that time.


On my 30th birthday, I had a strong feeling that I’d reached a mid-point in my life (or was it a third? Can’t remember clearly). I’ve changed country (came to the US), or – better yet – civilization, the youth was behind me, a really boring and tedious part of my life had just begun. I’m not sure whether that was the consequence of my coming to the US, or it would happen anyhow.